Award Categories

The Frequent Traveler People’s Awards

The voice of the Frequent Traveler is the most important benchmark assessment in the awards. Voting will occur in 12 different categories representing the holistic loyalty cycle.

  • Programs are invited to submit their own nominations in two categories: Best program innovation and Best overall promotion.
  • All nominations will be collected and evaluated by the Frequent Traveler People’s Award Nominations committee.
  • The Committee will be given discretion to add any significant nominations to the shortlist.

The Frequent Traveler Titan Awards

We believe the loyalty experts who have been an integral part of building the loyalty industry should have a voice. Therefore, the FT Awards has put together a board of previous notable loyalty leaders who will decide the winner of the Frequent Traveler Titan Awards.

The Titan Award will be awarded to one Airline, Hotel and Rental Car company in each region.

The Frequent Traveler Media Awards

The voice of the media that follows the loyalty industry will for the first time be heard through the Frequent Traveler Media Awards. A group of notable journalists will choose the winners of three Frequent Traveler Media Awards in each region.

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